Monday, September 26, 2005

life is all flowers and sausages

Tonight Alex and I wasted about an hour and watched the worst show ever, Wife Swap. It was an episode that pitted a Christian, sports lovin' family against a swearing, punk rock family. When the "rule changes" came to be, the Christian mom told a mohawked kid that black clothes were forbidden and that he was now to wear vibrant and neat clothes. This rule upset the young anarchist so much that he responded with:
"If you're going to make us wear bright little clothes.... oh ... life is all flowers and sausages!"
If only, my little mohawk friend, if only life were so delicious.


Anonymous said...

I asw that and im dieing to see a clip of it again, im littereally in tears teverytime i think about it.

Anonymous said...

So i heard that this is an actually quote from Spongebob Squarepants......

Anonymous said...

is it really from spongebob?? would love to find the episode...