I could have written about the Chocolate Festival I went to, but I didn't. I could have documented how many boxes I've packed for our move to the deluxe apartment in the sky, but no. Instead I read junk on the internets, felt bad for myself because of my stupid inner ear and ate a lot of ice cream.
One rewarding yet creepy thing we've done was put a bunch of our crap on Craigslist to have weird people buy it. I wasn't here to see most of the stuff get picked up, but Alex told me that one guy gave him half the money from his pocket, the other half came from his shoe. I have to say that I would have had a hard time accepting shoe money. We still have lots more to sell, so if you need a basket of stuffed animals or a really old CD player (stereo component style) that only plays one CD at a time, let me know.
In other news, we found out today that Zach's lump isn't just a lump, it's a swollen lymph node, accompanied by a fellow swollen node. He goes into surgery on Friday to have them both removed, then we find out if he's got the cancer. weeeeeee.
Luckily, Arrested Development was on tonight and kicked all sorts of ass when it came to cheering me up. If you're not watching that show you're really missing out. And if you are watching, I know you went to this site. Oh, Arrested Development, what can't you do?
Oh, and here's the picture I entered in the last Photo Friday challenge, Divine.

Mmmmmm...shoe money.
Was it inside or outside the sock?!
I bet Caitlyn would like a stuffed animal or two! She names them all and they all mean something to her! She's never lost one. EVER!On second thought...maybe we have enough?
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