Please tell me that I cannot get another cat. Even if he's the cutest thing ever. Even though he looks just like a mini-Zach and likes to pet my face in the same exact way Zach does. Even if he came right over to me and clawed his way up my leg so I would pet him. Even if he was found in a shoe box in downtown Oakland, therefore making him a hip and trendy urban cat.
Please tell me that I don't need this kitten.

Hmmm...well it IS pretty cute.
Not knowing you too well, how many cats do you have? Because I believe legally you can own up to seven without being called "That Crazy Cat Lady."
You know, the one who's house smelled like cat pee and all the kids in the neighborhood would would avoid on Halloween because she'd be on the porch muttering to herself...
If one more cat does THAT to you, I'd avoid it. Otherwise, go for's cute!
We're too much alike! I just "rescued" a kitten that was too young to be left in the wild with no mommy. This is my second cat too. Who really NEEDs another cat? The big question is does the kitten need you?
whatever you do, don't not bring that kitten home. seriously, i mean that.
lisa p
i love it. how does zach like it? i miss you guys
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