We kicked off our week long trip with a drive down to Cape Cod for my cousin's wedding. The weather was beautiful and there was never a dull moment during the car ride, because both my mother and Nana were in the back seat. At one point Nana talked about someone who retired with a 'silver hand,' but what she really meant to say was 'golden parachute' and eventually my mother was all about correcting her... once she figured out what a silver hand was supposed to be. I think that gives you a pretty good idea of how that portion of the trip went. After a little over an hour of listening to Nana's awesome Boston accent (mine = my-uhn, fire = fi-ahhh, etc.) we met up with 9 other relatives at the hotel and proceeded to head out to the 99 for a dazzling meal of burgers and fries. I like hanging out with my family every once in awhile, even if it means we have to frequent the likes of Applebees from time to time. Eventually we all went back to the hotel to get ready for the wedding and that's when things took a turn for the worse. I put on my new blouse. I had never done the "sit down" test in the dressing room before I purchased. Bad move. It turned out the shirt liked to spontaneously slide open and slip off my shoulders once I was seated. Luckily I was able to get all MacGyver on it's ass and realized that two small, well placed diamond earrings would prevent any family members from getting a flash of my tragically un-hip bra. You see, it was important that I looked my best for this wedding because not only was it was at a high falootin' golf club on the Cape, but O.J. Simpson would be attending. Doesn't everyone want to look their best for the Juice?
My cousin Brian was kind enough to catch this once in a lifetime moment of Alex and I dancing while the gloveless O.J. serenaded the crowd with his very own version of "It's a Wonderful World."

If that picture doesn't make you weak in the knees then you might want to check this out.

yes, my friends, a chocolate fountain. There was something so disturbing yet compelling about it. I didn't eat anything from the fountain, but I shoved plenty of stuff in there. That's when I decided that I want that to be my job, chocolate fountain dipper. Get a stick, stab something, put it under running chocolate and then serve it on a plate. Voila. All I could think of was Augustus Gloop, I got really excited for the new Willie Wonka movie.
Alex and I (along with my Mom) left the Cape on Sunday, dropped Nana off and moved on to our New Hampshire portion of the visit, which was largely spent playing Hot Potato with my nephew Matt. I'm not sure exactly what the rules are for Hot Potato, but it involved me sitting in one place and pretending various items were Hot Potatoes, once it got away from me Matt would find the item and return it. Oh sure, I know what you're thinking, Hot Potato sounds like fun and you wish you could play it right away, but let me tell you, it doesn't always end well. Matt got too excited somewhere along the way and woke up the next day with some sort of playtime hangover. If you and your pals every decided to hunker down for a round of Hot Potato heed my warning, please remember to take it slow, it's just too damn exciting for some people. Our playtime with Matt only brought on a morning filled with a groggy haze of nausea followed by many sippy cups of water and books to be read aloud. By the end of the day though we saw the return of Matt's rosy cheeks and a smile on his face. It was a miraculous journey of a toddler who started his day clammy, wan and barely able to move end his day by transforming into an eating machine able to hold down watermelon, four whole mini bagels and a half sleeve of crackers while asking when we would play Hot Potato again. Behold, the wonders of Carb Boy as he flies to his little sister.

After our 3 day stint in NH we headed back to Boston where Alex and I parted ways with my Ma and took a mini vacation, no family allowed. We stayed at the Royal Sonesta and took advantage of everything included in the price of the hotel. We made up for not taking any getaways for the past 2 years by spending our first day there swimming, using the hot tub, getting free ice cream, taking a free boat ride on the Charles, dinner in the hotel restaurant and watching some HBO. I love hotels. We stayed there for 2 nights and also did touristy things like shopping for things we don't need and visit to the Museum of Science. The butterfly exhibit there was small, but worth the price of admission.

We also got to see Lisa and Ben who were having a yard sale and are closing on their new house today, so to them I say Mazel Tov!
Now I'm back to the regular life of working for a living and cleaning up the trail of ants leading to the cat food. You know, the usual.
God, I miss O.J.
1 comment:
where are all the comments about how cute my kids are?!
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