Friday, May 27, 2005

5 years later, just as goofy

Alex and I have been married for five years today. I can't say it feels like it was just yesterday, because it really does feel like five years. I think his time in optometry school had us counting down the last four years on the calendar. So I guess now starts the time when I sit back and let time fly.

I'm not going to get all sentimental or anything, everyone knows how much I dig being married to Alex. But I am going to post this picture... a picture which I thought would never see the light of day, but now I'm ready to share it because it's been five years and it's so hilarious. Please note the following things for maximum amusement:
* I'm wearing a tiara
* Alex is sunburned
* My eyebrows and lips are penciled in, much like those of a crazy person
* The pose we are in is so lame, yet showcases Alex's wedding band and conveniently leaves out my tattoo
* Remember that background from your thrid grade class photo?
* Nothing makes a photo more classy than making it all frosty and blurry looking.

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