Thursday, May 12, 2005


Due to some sudden and unavoidable addictions to Katamari Damacy, Ape Escape and It's-It ice cream thingys I just haven't been posting at all. And there's been some pretty good stuff to write about, like the woman who sat behind us at the theatre and cleared her throat for the entire 2 hours and 30 minutes. But I don't have time to tell everyone about some crinkly, dry old lady who needs hard candy when there are monkeys on the loose!

However, I did find time to dig up a photo for this week's Photo Friday challenge - Space.
sfo - bos
I never got around to posting my photo from last week's challenge on here, but it was Action. You can check it out here (I'm somewhere around 500). Heck, you can even cast a noteworthy vote for me.

Someday soon I will stop eating ice cream and playing video games, then I'll start a bonfire and y'all can gather 'round while I tell you about my rafting trip, my very first attempt at Shinteki and how very excited I am that we are only days away from Britney Spears' UPN debut. I am shivering with anticipation.

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