Sunday, June 20, 2004

nobody makes me bleed my own blood

You knew I would see it on opening weekend.

Unfortunately I had a lounge day yesterday, which meant sitting in my pajamas and watching TV for a healthy portion of the day. Which led to me watch every Dodgeball preview, interview and behind the scenes special. Which led to a very unsurprising first hour of the movie for me today. As a matter of fact after having watched all that stuff I think I had already seen the first hour of the movie.

See what happens when I don't use TiVo?


cml said...
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cml said...

look at that, I'm so lame I deleted my own comment.
well, what I said was...
any good? it was a lot of good. But then again you're asking the person who thought it was okay to watch hours of the same Dodgeball clips over and over again.