Zach had himself a hypoglycemic episode last night; after playing with Ollie for about 45 minutes he got up, tried to walk away and ended up doing this weird body slam into the stove. Then he staggered around the apartment like Tara Reid on spring break. I was pretty unaware of what was going on because I was on the phone with my friend Rachel, but what I was aware of was Zach eating non-diabetic food. Instead of asking Alex (who was clearly monitoring Zach eat this food) why he was letting Zach get a carb heavy dinner I showed my super sensitive side and blurted out "Zach shouldn't be eating this!" as I snatched nourishment away from my almost comatose cat. Alex tried to explain to me what was going on, but in an act of true douchebaggery I was still on the phone and not really paying attention. It was then that I noticed Zach veering into walls and falling all over himself. I got off the phone (sorry Rachel) and immediately felt like crap for having taken Zach's sugar supply away. Alex and I then quickly combined forces, kind of like the Wonder Twins, and made a concoction of wet food and honey to give Zach the sugar and stability he was looking for. It was pretty scary and prompted a discussion about purchasing a blood glucose meter for the cat. That's right, it's not enough for us to shoot him up twice a day... now we would like to take his blood.
Alex picked up an
Accu-chek today and we spent hours trying to figure out the fucking thing. The only blood it got was mine. We had to test it out to see how it worked before we tortured the cat, so I volunteered. It only took 3 tries to get enough blood from my finger. If only it had been that easy on the cat. Zach was patient and tried his best to stay still, but getting blood from a cat's ear is unpleasant for all involved and obviously takes lots of practice. Half a can of tuna helped to soothe Zach and absolve our guilt for stabbing him over 10 times... unsuccessfully.
I can't believe I'm doing all this for my cat. I told myself I would never be one of these kind of people. *sigh*
I, for one, think it's sweet you love your cat so much.
Besides, if you ever get sick, you know Zach would totally do the same for you? Right?
you poor guys - i cant believe what incredible care you are giving zachy. i hope he's feeling better you, lisa
I saw advent calendars for animals last week, now if you ever get to be one of those people, that would be sad! I just found you with the 'next blog' button. Sometimes it's a good thing.
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