I don't have time to get into details now because Mom and I are about to eat ice cream while we wait in suspense to see how this episode of Law and Order will wrap up. It's only our third episode today, but I think I'm catching on to this formula. (perhaps this gives you some sort of idea of how the visit with Mom is going)
As long as I'm stealing these precious family moments to post, I figure I'll show off my last two entries for Photo Friday.
Here's what I had going on for "vintage"

The boxes are almost unpacked, I successfully learned how to shoot up my cat with insulin and Mom leaves on Friday. I can feel my heart rate slowing down already.
You guys should have played a drinking game with Law & Order. You could've taken a shot everytime the "DUN DUN" happens.
Can'twait to see photos of the new digs and your fabu view!
Gorgeous shot for "delicate." Congratulations on another successful family vacation. ;o)
and yes, there really is a Law&Order drinking game:
did alex let you practice on him for zach's shots?!
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