Friday, August 27, 2004


I'm not sure if it's because it's finally sunny and warm out, or if it's the fact that I've been doing a job I never thought I would be doing for about a year now, but whatever it is I'm just not into this whole "work" thing I'm supposed to be doing.

I'm guessing part of the reason for my disdain is that from the time I started kindergarten until the time I left undergrad it became pretty apparent to me that the months of June through August are meant for slacking. Sure, I had summer jobs, but the beauty of those jobs was the knowledge of no matter how bad it was I would be leaving in September. And for the most part the summer jobs I took opened the door to all sorts non-work kind of situations. Top ranking jobs: handing out flyers, pressing a button while opening doors to start a tour and slinging desserts with Lisa. Lowest ranking job: assembly nerd at an aerosol can factory on the evening shift. but that's a whole other story.

After undergrad I was faced with the harsh reality of watching summer pass me by while I toiled at real jobs with no end in sight. Being forced stick with one job for more than a year sadly may have been a deciding factor in my plunging into serious debt by attending grad school. Was it worth it to have my summers free again? You bet. Grad school presented me with the best summer job ever; I got shipped off to the Sundance Theatre Lab where I worked on a kick ass project, had free housing on a mountain side, was served three square meals a day and only had to work every other day.

and then grad school ended.

I shouldn't complain about any of the jobs I've had over the past four years(although that doesn't stop me), but there's something about my current job that makes me want to play hooky on a daily basis. Today I woke up and sun was shining and breeze was blowing and when I got into my car and sat there for a good 15 minutes staring out of the sunroof, thinking about how I could get out of coming into work. But here I am, freezing in my overly air conditioned, fluorescent lit cubicle, with memories of my parents saying "you don't know how easy you have it, just waaaait."

I can't believe it's come to this...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have air condition? My building was constructed in 1925. It has more fire and safty hazards than employees. The OSHA inspectors recorded 3 times the safe levels of carbondioxide (we know why everyone can barely stay awake now). I earn less than a janitor but work my butt off all day. If i survuve a whole year I'll might get a 2% cost of living raise (but havent had a raise in 4 years due to budget crises). Im see these guys on TV with my dream jobs IE Sports Illistrated Photographer...massage boy at local day spa rubbing down supermodels...while i process my 756th piece of worthless paper...getting wrist pain and eye strain...Oh yeah i didnt get to go to college (family health problem) so my fate is pretty much sealed here along with the other poor souls that I see dragging through the work day like mindless worker drones doing service for a queen that dosent care weither I live or die here in front of my computer.