Tuesday, April 25, 2006

greetings from New York

I'm sitting in JFK enjoying some free wireless action (courtesy of JetBlue) while I wait for my mom's flight to arrive from Boston. My mom and I will be here until Saturday, seeing shows, walking around and whatever else mothers and daughters do.

Not too much to report so far, because obviously I haven't left the airport yet, but I will tell you that I ordered my slice of pepperoni pizza from the wrong person at the Famiglia Pizzeria and got a stern talking to from the woman at the register. Damn, I'll get eaten alive out here. Good thing I live in the land of hippies where I can order pizza from any old slob without pissing someone off.


Anonymous said...

Yeah. I always enjoy watching out-of-towners at Pizzeria Regina. Go ahead! Ask the waitress, "Don't you have salad?" Then duck!


Anonymous said...

when you're here, you're like Famiglia!

Dee said...

Aw, I'm jealous! My mother and I were supposed to go there around Christmastime, but we got snowed in and never made plans to go back...have fun!