I was pretty bummed out last night because Alex and I found a lump on our old cat, Zach, and I spent WAY too much time looking stuff up on the internet about cats and lumps and found out that 90% of lumps or tumors found on cats are malignant. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow, so I have about 24 more hours to come up with outrageous scenarios of how our cat will die.
I think your shot for "Chaos" is great. Looks like who ever was moving just threw everything in the back of their truck without any sorta organization....thats total chaos!
Thanks for linking me!
Two things...
#1. Quit following behind me taking pictures. I don't bother you when you're moving from doublewide to doublewide!
#2. Zach is going to be fine. Maybe it's just a third breast?! Wait...it's a male cat...oh dear...
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