Thursday, November 04, 2004

still feeling blue about the re-election?

I know I am, but I find comfort where I can. Here are a few links that may cheer you up:

The Cap'n carves a pumpkin.
The Thighmaster tries to accentuate the positive.
Check out Ed Helms report on Bush's Plan.
Bushspeak; not really sure if it's more sad than funny, but let's go with funny for today.

And if all that fails to make you smile and you want to desperately attempt to understand what America's lamer half is thinking, you can always read the moronic blog of some asshat Bush supporters.


Pat said...

Thanks for the link to our "moronic" blog! We can afford to be gracious; after all, we won!

Pat from Kerry Haters

cml said...

no problem, Pat, it takes all kinds. Gracious isn't the term I would use to describe a group who labels themselves as haters, but you are right about the winning part.